Tertiary Nitrate Treatment for a WWTP, Czech Republic

Tertiary Nitrate Treatment at a WWTP, Czech Republic

Lens Encapsulated Bacteria

Clean TeQ Water’s BIOCLENS® technology was used for nitrate treatment to achieve nitrate below 10mg/L for an industrial business park.


A business park in Europe contained between 3000 and 6400 employees, producing unequal loading and varying nitrate concentration in the wastewater. Nitrate treatment was required as the effluent from the plant was discharged into a stream which had strict discharge requirements of 5ppm for nitrates. The plant had an average flowrate of 377 m3/day and produced an effluent which consistently meets the 5ppm discharge requirement.

Water Quality

Tank volume24 m³
Flowrate377 m³/d
Concentration N-NO3- in influent33 mg/L
Concentration N-NO3- in effluent5 mg/L
Hourly amount N-NO3- in influent0.5 kg/hr
N-NO3- removal capacity0.4 kg/hr
Amount of denitrification biocatalyst1760 kg
Tertiary Nitrate Treatment at a WWTP, Czech Republic


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